Ideas For Producing Custom Shirts For Your Walking Club

17 October 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you've recently formed a walking club along with a number of other people who are passionate about getting exercise and enjoying some camaraderie, you may find that you look forward to your scheduled outings several days in advance. While there's nothing wrong with keeping your walking club informal, you might have big plans for it. If so, the idea of producing custom shirts for your members to wear may appeal to you. Producing custom shirts today is easier than it has ever been. There are countless websites that allow you to design your shirt online and then have it produced and mailed to you. Here are some ideas for producing custom shirts for your walking club.

Select A Visible Color

One of your first priorities when designing a custom shirt for your walking club is to choose the color of the shirt. Picking a color that is highly visible is a good idea for several reasons. Most importantly, it will make your group visible to people who are traveling in the area. For example, if you live in a neighborhood that lacks sidewalks and you occasionally have to walk along the side of the road, your group will be far more visible in bright shirts than in white or black garb. Additionally, if you want to use your shirt design as a recruiting tool, other neighbors might notice your group more easily and inquire about the group.

Choose A Slogan

Have some fun with your custom shirt design and come up with a slogan that you can feature on the front or back of the shirts. One option is to have each member of your group come up with a slogan idea, and then compile all of these suggestions and vote on which one the group will adopt. It could be something simple, such as "One Step At A Time," or it could include a tongue-in-cheek joke.

List Your Contact Details

If you're actively looking to add members to your walking club, your shirt design can be an effective marketing tool. For example, if you have a Facebook page for your group, you can include the URL of this page on your shirt design. If you're happy to take phone calls from prospective members who want to learn more about your walking club, you may even wish to list your phone number on the shirt. Neighbors who see your group out and about can take note of these contact details and follow up with you accordingly.
