Here Are The Basics Of Water Filtration

9 November 2022
 Categories: Business, Blog

Water is essential for the survival of almost all life forms on the planet. Most people, however, don't evaluate their water sources to determine if the water they receive is safe for consumption. Water filtration clears all the doubts about your water's purity. It frees your water from dirt and other physical, chemical, and biological contaminants. Most water plants treat water before releasing it to the community; however, its pressure or the pipes it flows through may contaminate it. It's, therefore, essential to have a residential water filtration system. 

Types of water filtration treatment

When considering water treatment, there are various options you can pick from today. Here's an overview of them. 

Ion exchange 

It is the softening of hard water by exchanging its magnesium and calcium ions with sodium or potassium ions. Ion exchange resins, primarily available in tiny beads, are often used in this procedure. Hydrogen-based ion exchange filters are popular for softening drinking water. Ion exchange prevents water from corroding appliances that often function under high temperatures, i.e., water heaters, dishwashers, or shower heads. 

Ultraviolet filtration 

This system uses ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms such as waterborne bacteria, viruses, and cysts. Water passes through a chamber exposed to UV light, which affects the waterborne bacteria's genetic makeup crippling its functional and reproduction abilities. This technique is a highly environmentally friendly way of treating your water. 


Distillation entails heating water under high temperatures until it evaporates and leaves behind impurities. The steam moves to a clean container, where it condenses. This technique effectively removes chemicals and heavy metals from your water. 

Advantages of water filtration 

Residential filtration systems significantly reduce pollution. Having clean water at home reduces your instances of utilizing bottled water. Plastic bottles are a primary contributor to environmental pollution. They rarely degrade, and their production uses a lot of water. Water filtration helps you preserve your health and that of your family. It removes bacteria, heavy metals, dirt, and other impurities that are harmful to your health. This procedure also ensures that your water retains essential calcium and zinc minerals and is cost-effective. It is often more affordable than purchasing bottled water. Filtration reduces corrosion on your pipes and appliances; hence you'll spend less on maintenance and repairs. Filtering your water gets rid of the foul smell and improves its taste. Most treatment plants use chemicals to treat water, and it often retains its taste and smell. Water filters absorb the unpleasant taste and scent, leaving your water more refreshing. 


Improving one's health and that of their family is often most people's priority. Water filtration enables you to achieve this by providing water that tastes great and has essential nutrients. Contact a professional to learn more about water filtration.
